MMB Web-UI (Web User Interface) Operations
[Status Clear] button and ‘Click the Status Clear button to clear the status.’ Message is not be displayed for a
user without the setting privilege.
TABLE 1.51 Display items of [OPL] Window
Status Displays the status of the OPL.
Power Status Displays the Ppower status of the OPL.
Location LED Displays the status of the Location LED.
Following are the various display status.
On: Lighting
Off: Light out
On/ Off of the Location LED can be controlled by clicking the [On], [Off] buttons.
Displays the part number of the OPL.
TABLE 1.52 Button on [OPL] window
Clears the error status of the OPL.
This section describes the messages to be displayed on this window.
Failed to clear the status.
For details on the messages displayed on the window, see PRIMEQUEST 2000 Series Message Reference
(1) Menu Operation
[System] – [OPL]
(2) Window Operations
1. Click the [Status Clear] button.
Confirmation dialogue box is displayed.
2. Click the [OK] button to clear the error message and click the [Cancel] when you do not want to clear
the error status of OPL.
1.2.18 [MMB] Menu
In [MMB] menu, each MMB Unit has menu.
· [MMB#0] ~ [MMB#1]
Since the window and the operation method are the same in all menus units, of only one unit is described
[MMB#x] Window