MMB Web-UI (Web User Interface) Operations
FIGURE 1.41 [Schedule Control] Window
If the maintenance work (Either Hot Partition Maintenance, Warm System Maintenance or Cold System
Maintenance) of the targeted partition is executed in the schedule execution time, the scheduled operation
does not execute the power operation of the partition.
If the schedule overlaps on the same day, it is processed according to the following priority levels.
Special > Monthly > Weekly > Daily
Daily: Schedule executed every day
Weekly: Schedule executed every week
Monthly: Schedule executed every month
Special: Schedule executed on specific day every year
Moreover, if the Power On and Power Off is specified at the same time, the priority is given to Power Off.
In case of Partition Operator, only the management target partition can be operated.
Because Partition does not do Power On in Power On Delay, Schedule Power Off is disregarded. Moreover,
when OS does not accept the Shutdown demand, Power Off is not done.
TABLE 1.58 Display Items and Setting Items of [Schedule Control] Window
# Displays the number that identifies the partition (0~3).
However, only the partition to which SB/IOU is registered is displayed.
Displays the partition name.
Schedule Control Sets whether schedule operation is done for every partition.