Dynamic Reconfiguration Operation
Target device. e.g. IOUx, PCIex
“x“ represents the slot number.
Only one target can be specified at a time.
Print the synopsis of add/rm subcommand Example
e.g. when you hot-add IOU3
# /opt/FJSVdp-util/sbin/dp add IOU3
5.1.3 Show slot status (slot subcommand) Synopsis
/opt/FJSVdp-util/sbin/dp stat DeviceType Description
This is the subcommand for displaying hot plug slot status of IOU or PCI Express card.
The number displayed after the output device represents the slot number.
The meaning of the state of IOU type is as follows:
empty : IOU is not assigned to the partition (OS)
offline : IOU is assigned to the partition, but the slot power is OFF. (IOU is disabled)
online : IOU is assigned to the partition and the slot power is ON. (IOU is enabled)
The meaning of the state of pcie type is as follows:
empty :There’s no PCI Express card on the slot
offline :PCI Express card is on the slot, but the slot power is OFF. (PCIe is disabled)
online :PCI Express card is on the slot, and the slot power is ON. (PCIe is enabled) Options
Target device type. e.g. IOU, pcie
Only one target can be specified at a time.
Print the synopsis of stat subcommand Example
e.g. When you hot-add PCI card to slot number 20 of PCI slot
# /opt/FJSVdp-util/sbin/dp stat pcie
pcie20: online
pcie21: offline
pcie22: empty