MMB Web-UI (Web User Interface) Operations
FIGURE 1.87 [Alarm E-Mail] window
TABLE 1.123 Setting and display items in the [Alarm E-Mail] window
Sets whether to send Alarm E-Mail notification for an event that has occurred.
Sets the e-mail address of the sender.
If the [Use envelope "from" address] check box is checked, the [From:] address is set as
the sender's e-mail address used when sending an e-mail. The default is unchecked.
Upon receiving an alarm e-mail, the mail server sets the set [From:] address for Return-
Path in the e-mail header. Also, if a mailing list is used, the Return-Path setting is the
administrator's address on the mailing list instead of the set [From:] address.
However, the Return-Path setting depends on the mail server settings. Therefore, Return-
Sets the e-mail address of the recipient.
To specify multiple e-mail addresses, delimit them with a comma (,).
Sets the IP address or FQDN of the SMTP server.
You can set the FQDN only if a DNS is set. (After selecting [Network Configuration] -
[Network Interface], you can specify a DNS server.)
The e-mail address consists of "user name"@"domain name". The specifiable characters in "user name" and
"domain name" conform to RFC 2822 and RFC 1034.
- "user name" can contain alphanumeric characters and the following symbols: !# $ % & ' * + - / = ?
^ _ ` { | }~ .