
a b
n i m n
Instrument Cluster
a) Fuel Reserve Indicator (Red) -
Warning that the fuel supply avail-
able in the tank is between 5
and 7.5 liters {17
to2 Gals).
b) Fuel Gage
c) Speedometer - This instrument
(which includes the odometer) is
factory-sealed: any tampering by
unauthorized persons will invali-
date the warranty.
o p q f s
d) Odometer (Totalizer)
e) Trip Recorder
f) Engine Water Temperature
Gage - If the pointer enters the
red area it means that the engine is
overheating: it will then be neces-
sary to immediately rev down the
engine to idle speed (do not $witch
off). Should the pointer remain
on the red area, contact the nearest
FIAT Dealer for a cooling system
check (including fan circuitry).
g) Tachometer - Electronically-op-
erated from the ignition distribu-
tor. The yellow area indicates ma-
ximum engine speed for all gears
whereas the red area shows
dangerous engineoperating speeds.
h) Type of Fuel Used (see page 33)
i) Cluster Panel Mounting Knobs
I) Parking and Tail Lights Indi-
cator (Green)
m) Turn Signal Arrow Indicator
(Flashes green)
n) High Beams Indicator (Blue)
o) Trip Recorder Zeroing Knob -
Turn knob clockwise but never
when car is running.
p) Battery Charge Indicator (Red)
With engine inoperative, and ig-
nition key in position MAR, the
charge indicator is on and must
go out when engine is started;