For vehicles fitted with automatic trans-
mission use a suitable wrench to adjust
the nut D securing crankshaft pulley
until above conditions are obtained.
— Remove distributor cap and turn
shaft manually until rotor is posi-
tioned against contact for firing of
cylinder no. 1.
Without moving distributor shaft, insert
in its seat and secure.
Connect leads going to coit, install
cap and check that the leads are
correctly connected to spark plugs,
Connect the rev counter and the stro-
boscopic lamp to the engine using
spark plug lead for cylinder no. 1.
— Start engine and check ignition
timing with the stroboscopic lamp.
Ignition timing should be 10"
B.T.D.C. at 800 to 850 rpm for
vehicles with manual transmission
and 10" B.T.D.C. at 700 to 750 rpm
for vehicles with automatic trans-
— If distributor calibration is not cor-
rect, slacken and rotate manually
until correct calibration is obtained,
then tighten it.
If distributor removal is not required,
proceed from this point.
Vehicle emissions are controlled by
various devices that make up the crank-
case emission control system, the
exhaust emission control system and
the fuel evaporative emission control
Any modification of the emission con-
trol systems is subject to federal laws
and regulations and may incur penal-