
Engine Oil
Every 500 miles or weekly -
With engine cold, check oil level which
mus1 always be between the Min
and Max marks on dipstick, and top
up if required.
Every 7 500 miles or every six
months at most - Replace
oil with engine well warmed up.
Drain all used oil through plug B.
Oil should of course be changed
also in relation to the grade used and
outdoor temperature (Singiegrade or
Multigrade) as shown in the Fill-up
Data Table,
Engine Oil Filter
Every 7 500 miles or at every en-
gine oil renewal - Unscrew
filter A from its support on
crankcase, and replace.
Before fitting a new filter on the
support, wet its seal with engine oil.
Screw on the filler: once the seal
contacts the support, tighten 3/4 turn
Tappet Clearance
Every 15 000 miles or whenever
valve operation becomes noisy.
Check clearance between tap-
pets and cams. Specified
clearance, with cold engine, is .41 10
.49 mm (.016 to .019 in) for intake
and .46 to .54 mm (.018 to .021 in)
for exhaust valves.