
This section includes all periodical
maintenance operations essential for
continued effectiveness of the car.
The lubrication, cleaning, inspect-
ion and adjustment operations recom-
mended in relation to given mileages
are listed on a General Maintenance
Schedule. Reference is made to the
pages where each operation is descri-
The Owners Warranty and Service
Book contains a free service coupon.
This service should be performed at
1 500 miles.
Failures, other than those resulting
from defects in material or workman-
ship, which arise solely as a result of
owner abuse and/or lack of proper
maintenance are not covered by war-
Particular stress is laid on
importance of reporting to a
FIAT Dealer for all the main- "
tenance operations so marked :
For oil grades not mentioned here,
seethe Fill-up Data Table.
The maintenance operations ne-
cessary to ensure the proper function-
ing of the vehicle emission control
systems are printed in red for im-
mediate identification both in the
General Maintenance Schedule and
in the paragraphs of this section.
The engine tuneup and adjustment
specifications are also listed on the
E.P.A. and California Regulations Con-
formity Tag. located in the engine
compartment (see page 3).
For oil these operations it is also
recommended to refer to the instruc-
tions specified in the Owners Warranty
and Service Book,
Besides the routine maintenance
operations listed in the Schedule,
this section describes other operations
which must be performed only in
special cases of defective operation of
mechanical units.