Before turning or changing lanes,
in addition to giving the correct signals
glance in the mirrors to ascertain the
intentions of the drivers behind you.
Before cutting back into your lane
after overtaking a vehicle wait until
it appears in your inner mirror.
At night when meeting oncom-
ing traffic, keep your eyes on the
right side of the road rather than
looking straight into the approaching
headlights or other light sources: you
will avoid being blinded.
1st-2nd 2nd-3rd 3rd-4th 4th-5th
15 mph 25 mph 40 mph 45 mph
Note: In any case the maximum speed
listed on page 62 should never be exceeded.
Always apply the hand brake when
parking and if on a grade, for added
safety also shift into first or reverse
depending on whether the car is
heading up- or downhill.
When the car is left in dark areas
always turn on the parking lights:
lighting switch pressed halfway in
at bottom.