
When your car needs Service look
for the sign which identifies all autho -
rized Fiat Dealers where trained per-
sonne!, specially designed equipment
and faciiities are available.
Our organization is at your füll
disposal for any Suggestion or advice
you may need.
Authorized FIA T parts are the bsst
guarantee for top Performance and
satisfactory Operation of all compo-
When ordering, p/ease quote (see
page 2) :
Car Model.
Nurnber for Spates.
PartNumber(s) of Spare (s) Ordered.
Current progress in design and
manufacturing technology is so ad-
vanced that no hard-and-fast rule
need be given for break-in, However,
a few simple rules should be fol-
!owed for the first 1000 mües:
Avoid fierce accelerations soon after
starting and allow time for the
engme to warmup (a good habit
even after break-in).
Do not fully depress the accele-
rator pedal and avoid high engine
speeds, when operating in the
lower gears, that is, never allow
the tachometer pointer to move
into the yellow sector indicating
hfgh rpm rates.
Change your road speed occasion-
ally, especially on long trips. Avoid
long drives at constant high or
Iow speeds,
Downshift whenever necessary to
cope with driving conditions on
route: you will avoid engine lug-
ging at excessively iow rpm.
Avoid, if possible, severe stops at
sustained speeds during the first
few hundred miles: brakes will
set properly and improve their life
and effectiveness.
Remember that satisfactory Oper-
ation and iong life are dependent to a
great extent on the care with which
the car is handled during break-in.