Steering Lock Ignition Switch (*)
(See page 16 for starting procedure
MAR (Run) = Engine ignition ON and
accessories energized
AW (Start) = Engine starting
ST [Stop) = Steering post antr-theft
lock in. Key removable
Remove Key Buzzer - Operates
when the steering wheel side door is
opened to leave the car and the igni-
tion key is forgotten in the lock switch.
Gearshiftirtg Pattern - To engage
reverse (R), press the lever and shift
as indicated by the gating pattern.
Note: The use of fifth gear over 4B mph
improves fuel economy.
The total or partial removal oi key will lock the steering post even if car is in motion.
To facilitate the disengagement of steering post lock, slightly rock the steering wheel
while rotating the key. Key must not be left in position MAR when engine is inoperative
and must be removed only when leaving the car, especially if unattended.
(*) Even with key removed (position ST) the following circuits are stifl energized : courtesy
lights; horns; cigar lighter and housing indicator; vehicular hazard warning signal; remove
key buzzer; clock; inspection lamp receptacle.
Windshield Wiper/Washer Switch
a = Wiper off
b = Wiper On-Off intermittently (par-
ticularly useful in drizzly weather)
c = Wiper on continuously
Lifting the lever towards steering
wheel, whatever its position, will switch
on the washer.
Windshield Wiper Sweep Rate
Knob - Provides high or low sweep
rates in either wiper continuous or
intermittent operation, depending on
the position of wiper lever switch.