
The information contained in llu's publication is intended to he of a general nature only. The Fiat Company may st any time
and from time t<f time, for technical or other necessary reasons, modify <wy of the details at specifications of the product described
in this publication. To be sure of getting accurate, detailed and up-to-date information, an intending buyer should consult
his nearest Fiat Denier or distributor or branch.
Ditezione Commercials - Assistenzs Teenies 10134 TORINO (Italia) Cnr;:<: E. Giambone, 33
' Fin Ami} S pA 2nd Edition - Print No. S03.05.S38 - V-7380 - 4500 - Printed in Italy Tipogrsfia Torinese S.p.A. - Torino