
The IT-2000 Technical Reference Manual (hereinafter referred to as this document) is provided to
assist the user in developing programs to run on the Casio IT-2000 (hereinafter referred to as this
terminal or IT-2000 or HT). Microsoft C/C++ Ver.7.0 or later, and the manuals supplied with it, is
required to develop programs for this terminal.
Read Chapter 1 of this manual in its entirety to understand the features of this terminal.
Important notices to user
The information contained in this document may be modified without prior notice.
Casio Computer Co., Ltd. shall not be liable for any outcome that result from the use of this
document and the terminal.
Copyright notice
The contents of this document are protected by the Copyright Law of Japan.
This document may not be reproduced or transferred in part or in whole, in any form without
permission from Casio Computer Co., Ltd.
Copyright © Casio Computer Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
About MS-DOS 6.22
The MS-DOS copyright is the proprietary of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and is
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The MS-DOS software shall not be modified, reverse-engineered, decompiled, or disassembled. Any
form of reproduction is also absolutely prohibited.
About MS-Windows
The MS-Windows copyright is the proprietary of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and is
protected by the United States Copyright Law and International Treaty provisions.
The MS-Windows software shall not be modified, reverse-engineered, decompiled, or disassembled.
Any form of reproduction is also absolutely prohibited.
About trademarks
AT and IBM PC/AT are registered trademarks of International Business Machines
Corporation in the United States.
MS, MS-DOS, Microsoft C/C++, Visual C ++, Visual Basic, and MS-Windows are registered
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