The DCB structure defines the control setups of serial communication.
< Members >
Id Identifies the communication device. This value is set by the device driver.
If the most significant bit (MSB) is set, the DCB structure is used for a parallel
communication device.
BaudRate Indicates the baud rate representing the processing speed of the communication
device. If the upper byte is 0xFF, the lower byte indicates the baud rate index
This index takes one of the following
values CBR_9600, CBR_19200, CBR_38400, CBR_56000, CBR_128000, and
CBR_256000. If the upper byte is has a value other than 0xFF, this parameter
indicates the actual baud rate. If a baud rate index other than one described above
is used, SetCommState results in error. This function operates only if both
the 9-Wire and 3-Wire connections are established.
ByteSize Indicates the number of bits to be transmitted/received. The value of the ByteSize
member ranges between 5 and 8. A value of 4 is not supported.
This function operates if both the 9-Wire and 3-Wire connections are established.
Parity Indicates the parity check method to be used. This member takes one of the
following values. This function operates if both the 9-Wire and 3-Wire
connections are established.
EVENPARITY Even number
NONPARITY No parity check
ODDPARITY Odd number
StopBits Indicates the number of stop bits to be used. This member takes one of the
following values. A value of 1.5 bits is not supported. This function operates if
both the 9-Wire and 3-Wire connections are established.
1 bit
2 bits
RlsTimeout Not supported.
CtsTimeout Not supported.
DsrTimeout Not supported.
fBinary Indicates the binary mode. Non-binary mode is not supported.
fRtsDisable Indicates whether to disable the RTS (request to send) signal. If the fRtsDisable
member is set, the RTS signal will be kept being turned off. Or, the member is
cleared, the signal will be turned on if the device is opened, and will be turned off
if the device is closed. This function operates if the 9-Wire connection is
fParity Indicates whether or not to perform a parity check. If the fParity member is set,
the parity check is performed and an error is reported, if one occurs.
This function operates if both the 9-Wire and 3-Wire connections are established.