List of termination codes
The following table shows the termination codes returned by FLINK.DLL. Note that only the
termination code (i.e. with no message) will be displayed at a termination.
End Code
Category Detail Code
(High) (LOW)
Normal end
00h 00h Normal end.
0DCh - 0F5h 00h Drive (A to Z) format notice.
F6h 00h Power off ending notice.
F7h 00h Reset ending notice.
F8h 00h Break key interrupt ending.
File Error
02h 02h File not found.
02h 03h Path not found.
02h 0Bh Invalid format.
02h 0Fh Invalid disk drive.
02h 10h Delete request is current directory.
02h 11h Not same disk.
02h 12h Not same disk.
There may be cases where codes not defined as File Error (int21h) are returned. If this happens the
code is returned as a DOS expansion error code.
File Error
03h 13h Write protect error.
03h 14h Unknown unit.
03h 15h Drive not ready.
03h 17h Data error (CRC).
03h 19h Seek error.
03h 1Ah Unknown disk format.
03h 1Bh Sector not found.
03h 1Dh Write error.
03h 1Eh Read error.
03h 1Fh Unknown error.
03h 20h File share error.
03h 21h File lock error.
03h 22h
03h 23h
03h 53h