Besides the detail codes which are defined in File Error (INT24h) above, other error codes may be
returned as fatal error code of DOS.
Protocol Error (File)
0x04 0x00 CANNOT OVERWRITE File is “read-only”.
IrDA Protocol Error (For detail refer to the table on the next page.)
0x80 0x01 Open error.
0x80 0x02 Data send error.
0x80 0x03 Data receive error.
0x80 0x04 Close error.
0x80 0x05 Error in setting of self-station ability.
0x80 0x06
Error in setting of communication status.
Internal Error
0x0F 0x01 Parameter error.
0x0F 0x02 Command buffer overflow.
0x0F 0x03
Analysis on received data.
- - RECEIVED ERROR REQUEST When error notification is received from
the communication partner.
The following error codes are output when an error occurs in the IrDA library.
IrDA Library Error
Termination Code Message Description
0X000000001 Resources are not enough.
0X000000002 No device to connect.
0X000000004 No service available at the destination device.
0X000000008 Connecting is failed. Timeout to abort or to wait for the
0X000000010 Opened file is accessed to open.
0X000000020 IR_OPEN is not executed.
0X000000040 Specifying WIRE is illegal.
0X000000080 Parameter error.
0X000000100 Tmeout to wait for send/receive.
0X000000200 Over-run error.
0X000000400 Parity error.
0X000000800 Flaming error.
0X000001000 CS signal timeout.
0X000002000 DR signal timeout.
0X000004000 CI signal timeout.
0X000008000 CD signal timeout.