9.5 Remaining Battery Voltage Display Utility
The remaining battery voltage display utility is used to monitor the remaining voltage of the
main battery and sub-battery. This utility is provided as a Windows utility.
Fig. 9.4
File Name
Display for remaining battery voltage
of main battery
The remaining battery voltage can be displayed as
a percentage and as a bar chart. It can also display if
the output voltage from the battery is low.
Display for power supply connection
The connection status of AC adaptor and I/O Box
can be displayed.
Display for remaining battery voltage
of sub-battery
The remaining battery voltage of sub-battery can
be displayed.
Display of remaining battery voltage is determined by checking on the voltage output by the main
battery. The maximum indication of remaining battery voltage may not be displayed if the
worn-out battery is used even if it is fully recharged.
Startup Method
This utility is not stored in the basic drive (C: ). It must be copied to RAM disk (A: ) or FROM
drive (D: ) and can be started from Windows.