Input acceptance mode
There are two acceptance modes for key input.
Down acceptance mode
When the pen is down on the keypad, the touched area changes to reverse video, and the
corresponding keycode is generated. The reverse video area will return to normal when the pen is
up. Even if the pen runs outside the corresponding key area in the mid course, the reverse video
area continues as-is.
Up acceptance mode
When the pen is down on the keypad, the touched area changes to reverse video. If the pen runs
outside the firstly touched area, the first reverse video area is canceled and a new area will
change to reverse video. When the pen is up, a keycode corresponding to the current reverse
video area will be generated. When the pen is up outside the keypad, the current key input
operation will be invalidated.
Toggle function
When the Expansion button on the keypad (upper case alphabets or lower-case alphabets pad) is
touched, the expansion keypad becomes the active pad. This keypad returns to the previous screen
after only a single key input is made, unless the touched area is assigned no keycode.
Repeat function
The repeat function allows all the successive key inputs before the pen is up to be accepted in a
lump. This function is valid only in the Down acceptance mode.
Key click sound
A key sensing sound is always generated whenever the keypad is touched (Down operation)
irrespective of the current input acceptance mode. However, it is of course on this keypad the valid
keycodes should have been set. In the Up acceptance mode if the pen is down to an invalid key area
and it runs over another valid key area, the key sensing sound will not be generated.
How to use with a VC application
In order to develop an application program that utilizes the keypad library with the VC, it is
necessary to register the keypad library to AppStadio. The following example shows a screen of
Microsoft Visual C++ver. 1.51.