8.6.5 YMODEM Library
This library is used to transfer files from Windows applications using the YMODEM/bat protocol.
The YMODEM library consists of a group of the following files.
YMODEM.H Header file for system library (for C language)
LibYMOD.LIB YMODEM library for C language (for C language)
YMODEM.DLL Main program of the YMODEM library
Relations between the files are summarized as follows. When developing your application program
with the C language, never fail to link LibYMOD.LIB with the developed source program. This
LibYMOD.LIB will automatically call YMODEM.DLL, which is the main program of the system
library, at each execution of the program. Visual BASIC can directly call this DLL by means of a
Fig. 8.37
List of libraries
The YMODEM library supports the following functions:
Function name Description Page
OpenYMODEM Opening the YMODEM library 234
SendByYMODEM File transmission with the YMODEM/bat protocol 235
SendByYMODEMforVB File transmission with the YMODEM/bat protocol
(for Visual Basic)
RecieveByYMODEM File reception with the YMODEM/bat protocol 236
SetCommForYMODEM Setting up communication parameters 237
CloseYMODEM Closing the YMODEM library 238
Application Program
written by VC
Application Program
written by VB
Other PC