COM Environment Setup (/Y)
This function sets up the environment of COM port.
Starting method
int argc = Number of parameter arguments
char* argv[] = { "fl", "/Y={communication speed, COM specification,,,,,,,}" }
DoFlink(argc, argv)
If the parameters for the Y option do not have to be entered, enter only comma separators. If this is
the case, default values will be automatically used.
Communication speed
Sets up the communication speed (baud rate) when communication is executed through COM1
(RS-232C port) or Satellite I/O Box. The setting baud rate cannot be valid for other communications
, between HT and HT or through Master I/O Box.
Input parameter Baud rate (bps) Remark
1200 1200
2400 2400
4800 4800
9600 9600 Default
19 K 19200
38 K 38400
57 K 57600
115 K 115200
COM specification
Specifies COM port for the communication.
Input parameter COM port Remark
1 COM1 (RS-232C)
2 COM2 (IrDA) Default
Starting method
argc = 2
argv[] = { “fl” , “/Y={,1,,,,,,,}” }