Toro e2065 Utility Vehicle User Manual

Workman e2050/e2065
Page 3 – 23
Electrical System (Rev. B)
Fusible Links
The wiring harness for the Workman includes three (3)
fusible links for circuit protection (Fig. 37).
Two fusible links attach to the same main contactor post
as the main fuse. One of these fusible links (FL2) is used
for the switched power circuit. The other fusible link
(FL1) protects the charger circuit.
The third fusible link (FL3) is attached to the controller
B+ terminal. This link provides protection for the charge
indicator/hour meter gauge.
If any of these fusible links should fail, the affected circuit
will not function. See Chapter 6 – Electrical Diagrams for
schematic and wire harness information.
1. Main contactor
2. Main fuse contactor post
3. Switched contactor post
4. Fusible links FL1 & FL2
5. Fusible link FL3
Figure 37