Part No 1096926 23 Supine Bath Tub
Plumbing Installation
Be certain ALL plumbing work is performed by a qualified plumber.
Some state and local plumbing codes require the installation of a “reduced pressure
zone” (RPZ) assembly on both the incoming hot and cold supply lines to prevent
back flow contamination into the potable water system. Invacare recommends you
check local plumbing code requirements to determine if RPZs are required on your
tub installation. RPZs are NOT supplied by Invacare and are to be provided by the
customer if required.
The hot water supply to the tub MUST NOT exceed 110
F (43° C) to protect the
user from scalding.
Purge water lines. Hot and cold lines MUST be purged (blown down) to clear lines
of debris prior to connection. Valves and spray heads may become inoperable and/
or damaged if lines are not properly cleared. Items damaged in this way are not
covered under the warranty.
When operating water pressure exceeds 55 PSI, pressure regulators (similar to the
¾-inch Watts U5) MUST be installed.
NOTE:Forthisprocedure,refertoFIGURE 4.6onpage 24.
1. Purgewaterlines.HotandcoldlinesMUSTbepurged(blowndown)priorto
2. Connecthotandcoldsupplylinestoappropriatecopperstubsfoundonbackoftub
(Detail“A ”ofFIGURE 4.6).
3. InstallOn/Offvalvesatwallanduseunionsbetweenvalvesandstubs.
4. Connectdrainsinaccordancewithlocalplumbingcodes.
5. Assemblehandheldshoweranddisinfectantwands.
6. Checkoperationoftubaccordingtooperatinginstructions.