Figure 8
Figure 9
1. Screw the jet adjustment valve (a brass T-valve) in
until it is snug. Do not force or screw it tightly.
2. Back off the jet adjustment valve 1 1/2 turns.
3. Start the engine and open the throttle halfway. After
the engine warms up, begin screwing the jet
adjustment valve in slowly. As soon as the engine
slows down, stop and back the valve off until engine
picks up speed.
4. Screw the idle air jet adjustment valve (a slotted
head screw with a spring around it) all the way in;
then back off 1 turn. Start the engine and allow it to
idle. Screw the idle air jet adjustment valve in until
the engine begins to run rough. Then back the valve
off the engine runs smooth.
- Adjust the valves only when the engine is cold.
Remove the valve cover cap, adjust tappet to .015
(.397mm) inch.
Fan Belt
- Fan belt tension is adjusted by moving the fan
belt pulley (the pulley at the fan) upwards, to increase
tension. To adjust; loosen the large thin nut between
the fan belt pulley and fan housing. Tighten after
proper tension is reached.
- The magneto should be set to fire approximately 20
degrees before top dead center. To adjust:
1. Loosen magneto coupling nut (1, Figure 9) until the
coupling slips on the camshaft. It may be necessary to
tap the coupling gently.
2. Remove the cylinder head.
3. Bring the piston to top dead center on the compression
stroke (both valves closed).
4. Turn the starter pulley counterclockwise until the piston
goes down the cylinder approximately one inch. Then
bring the piston back up the cylinder to 3/8 inch
(9.525mm) from top of cylinder. This procedure takes up
any backlash in the gears.
5. Align the timing marks (straight marks) on the magneto.
6. Be sure that there is at least .015 inch (.397mm.) end
play in the magneto coupling so it will not cramp the
impulse. Use feeler gauge between the fiber block (2,
Figure 9) before tightening nut. Tighten nut.
7. Check your settings by backing the piston not more than
two inches down the cylinder barrel (to avoid picking up
the magneto impulse) and bring the piston up to 3/8 inch
from top of cylinder, magneto marks should align.
8. When timing is correct, install cylinder head and
magneto cover.
Model Custom Super
Engine Gravely Gravely
Type 4-cycle air cooled 4-cycle air cooled
Horsepower 7.6 7.6
Bore & Stroke 3.25 x 3.50 (82.55mm x 88.80mm) 3.25 x 3.50 (82.55mm x 88.80rnm)
Displacement 29.0 cu. inch(475.Icc) 29.0 cu. in. (475.1 cc)
Speed 2600-2800 RPM 2600-2800 RPM
Valve Setting .015 in. (.397 mm) .015 in. (.397mm)
Fuel Regular Regular
Fuel Tank 1.75 U. S. Gal. (6.63L) 1.75 U. S. Gal. (6.63L)
Chassis 5 pts. (2.36L) 5 pts. (2.36L)