Fluke PM6681 Outdoor Timer User Manual

Error Reporting
The counter will place a detected error in
its Error Queue. This queue is a FIFO
(First-In First-Out) buffer. When you
read the queue, the first error will come
out first, the last error last.
If the queue overflows, an overflow mes
sage is placed last in the queue, and fur
ther errors are thrown away until there is
room in the queue again.
Detecting Errors in the Queue
Bit 2 in the Status Byte Register shows if
the instrument has detected errors. It is
also possible to enable this bit for Service
Request on the GPIB. This can then inter-
rupt the GPIB controller program when
an error occurs.
n Read the Error/Event Queue
This is done with the :SYSTem:ERRor?
The query returns the error number fol
lowed by the error description.
Further description of all error
numbers can be found in the Er
ror Messages chapter
If more than one error occurred, the query
will return the error that occurred first.
When you read an error you will also re
move it from the queue. You can read the
next error by repeating the query. When
you have read all errors the queue is
empty, and the :SYSTem:ERRor? query
will return:
0, “No error”
When errors occur and you do not read
these errors, the Error Queue may over
flow. Then the instrument will overwrite
the last error in the queue with the fol
–350, “Queue overflow”
If more errors occur, they will be dis
Standardized Error Numbers
The instrument reports four classes of
standardized errors in the Standard Event
Status and in the Error/Event Queue as
shown in the following table:
Error Class Range of
Error Num-
–100 to
bit 5 - CME
–200 to
bit 4 - EXE
Device- spe
cific Error
–300 to
+100 to
bit 3 - DDE
Query Error
–400 to
bit 2 -QYE
Command Error
This error shows that the instrument de
tected a syntax error.
Introduction to SCPI
Error Reporting 3-17