Command Reference 9-83
This example configures the counter to make an array of 10 standard measure-
ments. The counter is triggered and data from the first five measurements are read
out with the :READ? query.
Type of command: Aborts all previous measurement commands if *WAI is not used.
Complies to standards: SCPI 1991.0, confirmed.
8 «<array size for FETCh>|MAX»
Read an array of results
The :READ:ARRay? query differs from the :READ? query by reading out several
results at once after making the number of measurements previously set up by
:CONFigure:ARRay 8 or 8 :MEASure:ARRAy?.
The :READ:ARRay? query is identical to:
:ABORt;:INITiate;:FETCh:ARRay?_<array size for FETCh>
The <array size for FETCh> does not tell :READ to make that many measure
ments, only to fetch that many results. :CONF:ARR, 8 :MEAS:ARR,
:ARM:LAY1:COUN or :TRIG:LAY1:COUN sets the number of measurements.
<array size for FETCh> sets the number of measuring results in the array. This size must be
equal or less than the number of measurements specified with :CONFigure.
MAX means that all the results in the output buffer will be fetched.
Returned format: <data>[,<data>]¿
The format of the returned data is determined by the format commands :FORMat
and :FORMat:FIXed.