Command Reference 9-65
:MEASure :NWIDth?PM6680B/81/85
[8 [<threshold>] [,<(@«1|2|4|6»)>]]
Negative Pulse Width
A negative pulse width measurement is performed.
This is always a single measurement. If you need an average pulse width mea
surement, use the :SENSe subsystem instead.
<threshold> parameter sets the trigger levels in volts. If omitted, the auto trigger level is set to
50 percent of the signal.
<(@«1|2|4|6»)> is the channel to measure on:
(@1) means input A
(@2) means input B (Only PM6680B and PM6681)
(@4) means input E (Rear panel arming input)
(@6) means the internal reference
If you omit the channel, the instrument measures on input A.
Complies to standards: SCPI 1991.0, confirmed.
:MEASure :PWIDth?PM6680B/81/85
[8 [<threshold>] [,<(@«1|2|4|6»)>]]
Positive Pulse Width
A positive pulse width measurement is performed.
This is always a single measurement. If you need an average pulse width mea
surement, use the :SENSe subsystem instead.
<threshold> parameter sets the trigger levels in volts. If omitted, the auto trigger level is set to
50 percent of the signal.
<(@«1|2|4|6»)> is the channel to measure on:
(@1) means input A
(@2) means input B (Only PM6680B and PM6681)
(@4) means input E (Rear panel arming input)
(@6) means the internal reference
If you omit the channel, the instrument measures on input A.
Complies to standards: SCPI 1991.0, confirmed.