VERSA PRO 03/09 Operation Section 4-39
© 2009 Alamo Group Inc.
Mower will not raise 1. Relief valve setting too low. Adjust relief valve.
or raises slowly.
2. Worn cylinder. Replace or rebuild.
3. Worn control valve. Replace valve section.
See tractor manual.
System noisy. 1. Air in system due to low Fill in reservoir to sight glass.
oil level.
2. Loose suction line. Tighten fittings.
3. Clogged suction filter. Replace filter element.
4. Internal pump or motor Disassemble, inspect and repair.
Sluggish response to 1. Air in system. Replace fuse.
acceleration or Adjust or replace safety switch.
deceleration Replace belts.
2. Internal pump or motor Disassemble, inspect and
wear or damage. repair.
Motor turns while unloaded, 1. Scored back plate. Remove backplate and examine
but slows down or stops surface condition of flat area;
when load is applied. if scored, replace backplate.
Do not Lap.
2. Scored or worn piston Disassemble motor examine,
shoes. condition of shoes on pistons;
replace pistons as a complete set
if necessary. Do not Lap.
3. Low relief valve pressure. Check relief valve for proper
pressure setting; adjust or replace
relief valve.
Motor will not turn. Severely scored backplate. Disassemble motor completely.
Inspect all parts, clean all parts,
replace all worn parts and flush
hydraulic system.