Development System Reference Guide www.xilinx.com 375
MFP ASCII Floorplanner Map Floorplanner File, which is
generated by the Floorplanner,
specified as an input file with the
–fp option. The MFP file is
essentially used as a guide file for
MOD ASCII TRACE File created with the –stamp option
in TRCE that contains timing
model information
MRP ASCII MAP MAP report file containing
information about a technology
mapper command run
MSK Data BitGen File used to compare relevant bit
locations when reading back
configuration data contained in an
operating Xilinx device
NAV XML NGDBuild Report file containing information
about an NGDBuild run, including
the subprocesses run by
NGDBuild. From this file, the user
can click any linked net or instance
names to navigate back to the net or
instance in the source design.
Flat physical design database
correlated to the physical side of
the NGD in order to provide
coupling back to the user’s original
NCF ASCII CAE Vendor toolset Vendor-specified logical
constraints files
NGA Data NetGen Back-annotated mapped NCD file
NGC Binary XST Netlist file with constraint
NGD Data NGDBuild Generic Database file. This file
contains a logical description of the
design expressed both in terms of
the hierarchy used when the design
was first created and in terms of
lower-level Xilinx primitives to
which the hierarchy resolves.
NGM Data MAP File containing all of the data in the
input NGD file as well as
information on the physical design
produced by the mapping. The
NGM file is used for
Name Type Produced By Description