194 www.xilinx.com Development System Reference Guide
Chapter 9: PAR
A few of the entries are described as follows:
♦ jupiter has been running job high_high_10 for approximately 2 1/2 hours.
♦ mars has been running job high_high_11 for approximately 2 1/2 hours.
♦ mercury has been deactivated by the user with the Stop using a node option or it
was not an existing node or it was not running. Nodes are pinged to see if they
exist and are running before attempting to start a job.
♦ neptune has been halted immediately with job resubmission. The Turns Engine is
waiting for the job to terminate. Once this happens the status is changed to not
There is also a Job Finishing status. This appears if the Turns Engine has been instructed to
halt the job at the next checkpoint.
Halting PAR
You need to set the interrupt character by entering stty intr ^V^C in the .login file or .cshrc
You cannot halt PAR with Ctrl+C if you do not have Ctrl+C set as the interrupt character. To
halt a PAR operation, enter Ctrl+C. In a few seconds, the following message appears:
CNTRL-C interrupt detected.
Please choose one of the following options:
1. Ignore interrupt and continue processing.
2. Exit program normally at next checkpoint. This saves the best results
so far after concluding the current processing,
3. Exit program immediately.
4. Display Failing Timespec Summary.
5. Cancel the current job and move to the next one at the next check
Enter choice -->
If you have no failing time specifications or are not using the –n option, Options 4 and 5
display as follows.
4. Display Failing Timespec Summary.
(Not applicable: Data not available)
5. Cancel the current job and move to the next one at
the next check point.
(Not applicable: Not a multi-run job.)
You then select one of the five options shown on the screen. The description of the options
are as follows:
• Option 1—this option causes PAR to continue operating as before the interruption.
PAR then runs to completion.
• Option 2—this option continues the current place/route iteration until one of the
following check points.
♦ After placement
♦ After the current routing phase
The system then exits the PAR run and saves an intermediate output file
containing the results up to the check point.