Development System Reference Guide www.xilinx.com 233
TRACE Reports
Setup/Hold to clock clk
| Setup to | Hold to |
Source Pad | clk (edge) | clk (edge) |
ad0 | 0.263(R)| 0.555(R)|
ad1 | 0.263(R)| 0.555(R)|
ad10 | 0.263(R)| 0.555(R)|
ad11 | 0.263(R)| 0.555(R)|
ad12 | 0.263(R)| 0.555(R)|
ad13 | 0.263(R)| 0.555(R)|
Clock clk to Pad
| clk (edge) |
Destination Pad| to PAD |
d0 | 7.496(R)|
Timing summary:
Timing errors: 1 Score: 63
Constraints cover 19 paths, 0 nets, and 21 connections (100.0% coverage)
Design statistics:
Maximum path delay from/to any node: 6.063ns
Maximum input arrival time after clock: 8.593ns
Analysis completed Wed Mar 8 14:54:31 2005
When the physical constraints file includes timing constraints, the summary report lists the
percentage of all design connections covered by timing constraints. If there are no timing
constraints, the report shows 100% coverage. An asterisk (*) precedes constraints that fail.
Error Report
The error report lists timing errors and associated net and path delay information. Errors
are ordered by constraint in the PCF and within constraints, by slack (the difference
between the constraint and the analyzed value, with a negative slack showing an error
condition). The maximum number of errors listed for each constraint is set by the limit you
enter on the command line. The error report also contains a list of all time groups defined
in the PCF and all of the members defined within each group.
The main body of the error report lists all timing constraints as they appear in the input
PCF. If the constraint is met, the report states the number of items scored by TRACE,
reports no timing errors detected, and issues a brief report line, showing important
information (for example, the maximum delay for the particular constraint). If the
constraint is not met, it gives the number of items scored by TRACE, the number of errors
encountered, and a detailed breakdown of the error.