310 www.xilinx.com Development System Reference Guide
Chapter 20: TAEngine
The following figure shows the design flow for the TAEngine program:
TAEngine Syntax
Following is the command line syntax for running TAEngine:
taengine design_name.vm6 [options]
design_name is the name of the VM6 design file.
options can be any number of the TAEngine options listed in the “TAEngine Options”
section of this chapter. They do not need to be listed in any particular order. Separate
multiple options with spaces.
TAEngine Input Files
TAEngine takes the following file as input:
• VM6—An implemented CPLD design produced by the CPLDfit program.
TAEngine Output Files
TAEngine outputs the following file:
• TIM file—An ASCII (text) timing report file with a .tim extension that lists the timing
paths and performance to timing constraints contained in the design. This report file
can be produced in summary (default) or detail format.
Figure 20-1: TAEngine Design Flow
Fit CPLD Design
Static Timing Report