Development System Reference Guide www.xilinx.com 119
NGDBuild Syntax
NGDBuild Syntax
The following command reads the design into the Xilinx Development system and
converts it to an NGD file:
ngdbuild [options] design_name
options can be any number of the NGDBuild command line switches listed in “NGDBuild
Options”. They can be listed in any order. Separate multiple options with spaces.
design_name is the top-level name of the design file you want to process. To ensure the
design processes correctly, specify a file extension for the input file, using one of the legal
file extensions specified in “NGDBuild Input Files”. Using an incorrect or nonexistent file
extension causes NGDBuild to fail without creating an NGD file. If you use an incorrect file
extension, NGDBuild may issue an “unexpanded” error.
If you are using an NGC file as your input design, it is recommended that you specify the .ngc
extension. If NGDBuild finds an EDIF netlist or NGO file in the project directory, it does not check for
an NGC file.
ngd_file[.ngd] is the output file in NGD format. The output file name, its extension, and its
location are determined as follows:
• If you do not specify an output file name, the output file has the same name as the
input file, with an .ngd extension.
• If you specify an output file name with no extension, NGDBuild appends the .ngd
extension to the file name.
• If you specify a file name with an extension other than .ngd, you get an error message
and NGDBuild does not run.
• If the output file already exists, it is overwritten with the new file.
NGDBuild Input Files
NGDBuild uses the following files as input:
• Design file—The input design can be an EDIF 2 0 0 or NGC netlist file. If the input
netlist is in another format that the Netlist Launcher recognizes, the Netlist Launcher
invokes the program necessary to convert the netlist to EDIF format, then invokes the
appropriate netlist reader, EDIF2NGD.
With the default Netlist Launcher options, NGDBuild recognizes and processes files
with the extensions shown in the following table. NGDBuild searches the top-level
design netlist directory for a netlist file with one of the extensions. By default,
NGDBuild searches for an EDIF file first.
Remove all out of date netlist files from your directory. Obsolete netlist files may cause
errors in NGDBuild.
File Type Recognized Extensions
EDIF .sedif, .edn, .edf, .edif
NGC .ngc