252 www.xilinx.com Development System Reference Guide
Chapter 12: TRACE
Total 5.224ns (1.835ns logic,
3.389ns route)
(35.1% logic, 64.9% route)
Minimum Period Statistics
The Timing takes into account paths that are in a FROM:TO constraints but the minimum
period value does not account for the extra time allowed by multi-cycle constraints.
An example of how the Minimum Period Statistics are calculated. This number is
calculated assuming all paths are single cycle.
Design statistics:
Minimum period: 30.008ns (Maximum frequency: 33.324MHz)
Maximum combinational path delay: 42.187ns
Maximum path delay from/to any node: 31.026ns
Minimum input arrival time before clock: 12.680ns
Maximum output required time before clock: 43.970ns
Halting TRACE
To halt TRACE, enter Ctrl+C (on a workstation) or Ctrl-BREAK (on a PC). On a
workstation, make sure that when you enter Ctrl+C, the active window is the
window from which you invoked TRACE. The program prompts you to confirm the
interrupt. Some files may be left when TRACE is halted (for example, a TRACE report
file or a physical constraints file), but these files may be discarded because they
represent an incomplete operation.