Development System Reference Guide www.xilinx.com 355
XFLOW Flow Types
If you have multiple VHDL files, you must list all the source files in a text file, one per line
and pass that information to XFLOW using the –g (Specify a Global Variable) option.
Assume that the file that lists all source files is filelist.txt and design_name.vhd
is the top level design. Use the following example:
xflow -p xc2v250fg256-5 -g srclist:filelist.txt -synth
synplicity_vhdl.opt design_name.vhd
The same rule applies for Verilog too.
The following example shows how to use a combination of flow types to synthesize and
implement a design:
xflow -p xc2v250fg256-5 -synth xst_vhdl.opt -implement balanced.opt
Option Files for -synth Flow Types
Xilinx provides the following option files for use with the –synth flow type. These files
allow you to optimize your design based on different parameters.
The following example shows how to use a combination of flow types to synthesize and
implement a design:
xflow –p xc2v250fg256-5 –synth xst_vhdl.opt -implement balanced.opt
–tsim (Create a File for Timing Simulation)
–tsim option_file
This flow type generates a file that can be used for timing simulation of an FPGA or CPLD
design. It invokes the fpga.flw or cpld.flw flow file, depending on your target device. For
FPGAs, it runs NetGen. For CPLDs, it runs TSim and NetGen. This creates a time_sim.v or
time_sim.vhdl file that contains a netlist description of your design in terms of Xilinx
simulation primitives. You can use the output timing simulation file to perform a back-end
simulation with a simulator.
Table 23-12: Option Files for –synth Flow Type
Option File Description
Optimizes a VHDL source file for
speed, which reduces the number of
logic levels and increases the speed of
the design
Optimizes a Verilog source file for
speed, which reduces the number of
logic levels and increases the speed of
the design
xst_mixed.opt Optimizes a mixed level VHDL and
Verilog source file for speed, which
reduces the number of logic levels and
increases the speed of the design.