
Retries on Invalid The number of times from 0 to 99 that the SVMi-8 will allow the caller to re-enter his password
if an invalid password was entered.
Repeat on No Entry The number of times from 0 to 9 that the SVMi-8 will repeat prompts, if no entry is made by
the caller. This only effects prompts associated with the ECLASS Block.
System Caller Options Digit Assignment
This section defines the permission and options for all extensions that are assigned to this Eclass. The programma-
ble fields are:
a) The prompts that play to callers for each option that is offered in the Extension Block.
b) The digits that are assigned as caller inputs to activate these options
c) What options are available for each type of call.
The options for each of these are:
Other Number No digit is assigned for this. This controls the ability of the SVMi-8 to allow callers reaching exten-
sions, to dial another extension.
Leave Message This is the digit a caller enters to indicate they wish to leave a message. Allowable digits are 0-9,
but cannot be the same as the hold digit.
Hold This is the digit the caller enters when he elects to hold for an extension that is busy. Allowable digits are 0 -
9, but cannot be the same as the Digit to Leave Message, Digit to Request Paging or Digit for other options. This
digit is active after a call transfer that results in a busy condition.
Request Paging This is the digit the caller enters to have the called party paged via an external paging system.
Allowable digits are 0 - 9, but cannot be the same as the Digit to Leave Message, Digit to Hold or Digit for other
Other Options This is the digit the caller enters to indicate they wish options, other than leaving a message or hold-
ing. Allowable digits are 0 - 9, but cannot be the same as the Digit to Leave Message, Digit to Hold or Digit to
Request Paging.
Escape Digit This is the digit the caller enters to exit immediately from the current process. Control is passed to the
block indicated by the Options pointer. This digit is also used by the Subscriber when exiting from the Extension
Menu. Control is passed to the block specified by the USER-EXIT pointer. Allowable digits are 0 - 9, and #.
Block Types and Descriptions