
Explanation of Default Configuration
Application Design
Creating an application consists of linking the appropriate Blocks into a set of Call ControlPaths which, for a particu-
lar caller, or group of callers, represents a Call Routing Solution. The number of ControlPaths, needed to establish a
satisfactory Routing Solution, depends upon how many alternatives or variations the organization wishes to provide,
to satisfy the anticipated needs of the caller(s).
The default application is built using Blocks. Each block has a specific purpose and are chained together to build the
application. This allows the caller to pass from one to the other as the call is processed.
The default configuration in the SVMi-8 has been designed to simplify installation and reduce the amount of time it
takes to learn the application. Many of the programming options have been disabled or fixed at a default value.
When a call is answered, it is processed by a number of blocks behind the scenes. These blocks are hidden for rea-
sons of simplicity. The call is processed in the following way:
New CO Calls These are answered by one of the MENU blocks depending on the current mode (Day, Night, Holiday,
or Weather). A custom greeting is played and the caller is directed to any other block based on the DTMF input.
Forwarded Calls These calls are automatically answered by mailbox blocks, and the caller may leave a message.