
INPUT from This is a display only field, referencing what Input Source this Menu is using. See 'Input From...'.
Event Pointer To make changes to the No-Entry, Invalid, and Faxcall Pointers, highlight the field and press ENTER
to bring up the Target Generator. Highlight and open the appropriate Block type. Select a new or existing Block from
the Target Generator pick list and press ENTER. Press ‘Ctrl+ O’ to review or edit the selected Block. Note that the
Page 3, Menu Block provides space to add Event Pointers as they may be needed.
NO-ENTRY Pointer The Block that the SVMi-8 will execute next if the caller makes no entry in this MENU.
INVALID Pointer The Block that the SVMi-8 will execute next if the caller has made too many invalid entries (deter-
mined by Retries allowed) or a search on a value other than ENTRY failed to find a match.
FAXCALL Pointer The Block that the SVMi-8 will execute next after hearing a FAX Tone. This applies only when the
FAX machine is an extension of the telephone system.
User Defined Event Pointers
These are the event pointers the user enters to customize how that the SVMi-8 functions. They include all the
entries below FAXCALL.
Input Value Column
The Input value is a defined event pointers that directs the SVMi-8 to other Blocks. The Input Processor contains
Input Pointers that determine which Application Block receives control of the call next. Upon finding a match, it
examines the type of action specified in that pointer and passes control to the object named in the pointer's target.
These pointers may go directly to an object (with or without requiring the caller to enter a password), translate the
Input Value to a new value or search a large array of objects for one matching the Input Value.
To edit User Defined Event Pointers, highlight a new or existing field and press ENTER. Enter the input value and
press ENTER to bring up the Action pick list. Highlight the appropriate Action and press ENTER. Select a Block type
from the Target Generator pick list and press ENTER. Choose a new or existing Block and press ENTER.
Press ‘Ctrl + O’ to review or edit the chosen Block.
The input value can be any digits that are to be processed by the Menu. These can be digits dialed by the caller or
digits passed from previous blocks. The origin for these digits are determined by the contents of the 'input FROM…"
A question mark, "?", may be used as the INPUT value to apply to a set of caller entries. An INPUT value of <2??>
will match any 3 digit entry beginning with the digit '2'. An INPUT value of "4?57" will apply to all 4 digit entries
beginning with the digit '4', ending with the digits '57' and having any value in the second digit. The Wild Card is
placed in the INPUT value to indicate that any digit entered in that position will qualify as a match. The "?" character
may also be used in a translation to indicate that the translated value should include the character which is in the
position of the corresponding "?" in the pointer INPUT value. A dot (.) is used in the translation value to indicate that
the corresponding "?" in the INPUT value should be discarded.
When searching for a match to a caller entry or for a particular pointer, SVMi-8 follows a consistent sequence.
MENU Blocks require a more elaborate search than other Blocks. However, the pattern is consistent. It looks for the
most specific match. A direct digit match on an INPUT value takes precedence over a wild card match. Also, a wild
card pointer with a lesser number of "?" characters will precede one with a greater number. A match on a pointer in
the current mode of operation takes precedence over a pointer in Default mode.
Block Types and Descriptions