
Ring Signal Classification
Ring Type Sound Length Type 1 rings have a sound longer than this, type 2 are shorter (measured in milliseconds).
This value is assigned during call progress training. It should not be changed without good reason.
Maximum Type 1 Silence Maximum length of silence to be part of a Type 1 ring signal (measured in milliseconds).
This value is assigned during call progress training. It should not be changed without good reason.
Maximum Type 2 Silence Maximum length of silence to be part of a Type 2 ring signal (measured in millisec-
onds). This value is assigned during call progress training. It should not be changed without good reason.
Maximum Short Silence Maximum length of short silence to be part of a double ring (measured in milliseconds).
This value is assigned during call progress training. It should not be changed without good reason.
Minimum Long Silence Minimum Length of long silence to be part of a double ring (measured in milliseconds).
This value is assigned during call progress training. It should not be changed without good reason.
Block Types and Descriptions