
Port Activity
This screen provides the System Administrator the ability to observe, port specific, line by line system activity in
either real time (as it happens) or through the SVMi-8’s Activity Log (if it's already happened). This activity contains
detailed information for both subscriber and public caller, call sessions. Refer to the Port Activity Help screen for
detailed options.
The following commands can be typed in at the => prompt to determine how much and what type of information is
CP [ALL, OFF, or PORT NO.] Turns on/off call progress monitoring for all or specific ports. Must be turned off
with "OFF" command. May be used in combination with "MONIT" command or alone.
DEBUG [ALL, OFF, or PORT NO.] Turns on/off extended debug monitoring for all or specific ports. Must be turned
off with "OFF" command—not done by maintenance. May be used in combination with "MONIT" and/or "CP".
DISPLAY [FILESPEC] Equivalent to DOS "Type" command to show contents of test file. Scroll through files with the
arrow keys.
EXITALL Forces shutdown of SVMi-8 and returns to the DOS command prompt. Does not wait for ports to clear—
will disconnect all callers.
FILES [path or filespec - default is C:\DTA directory if no path specified] Similar to DOS "DIR" command.
Displays listing of files in specified subdirectory, one at a time. At each file, user may press ENTER to display next
file, or TAB, which gives options to "[C]opy, [R]ename, [D]elete" each file. Pressing ESCAPE exits options and dis-
plays next file. From filename ESCAPE terminates the command.
IPC [ALL, or PORT NO.] Turns on/off monitoring system communication messages for all or specific ports. Must
be turned off with "OFF" command—not done by maintenance. May be used in combination with "MONIT" and/or
LOCK/UNLOCK [ALL, or PORT NO.] Busies out all ports or a specific SVMi-8 port. Released at maintenance or
with "UNLOCK" command. Default (no argument) is ALL.
MAINT or MAINTENANCE Forces daily maintenance as soon as user returns to Port Status screen.
MESS or MESSAGE [GROUP NO, optional. Displays all groups if not specified]
Displays a list of all message files in the form:
Recipient Name (from Mailbox Label)
Sender Name (blank if public or unknown)
Date and Time Sent
Type (V - Voice)
Message Status (Saved, New)
MONIT [ALL, OFF, or PORT NO.] Turns on/off monitor function for all or specific ports. Must be turned off with
"OFF" command—not done by maintenance. May be used in combination with "CP" command or alone.
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