
CallDirector Event Pointers
To make changes to the Event Pointers, highlight the desired pointer and press ENTER to bring up the Target
Generator. Highlight and open the appropriate Block type from the Target Generator pick list. Enter the Group
Number. Select a new or existing Block and press ENTER. Press 'Ctrl + O' to review or edit the Block.
NO-ENTRY Pointer The next Block to go to if no response was recorded (or if not confirmed and Digit to confirm
response is set).
ESCAPE Pointer The next Block to go to if the caller presses the Escape Digit.
DISK-FULL Pointer The next Block to go to if a system error occurs. The most common error condition is that the
message storage disk is full.
NEXT Pointer The next Block to go to after a response has been recorded (and confirmed, if Digit to confirm
response is set). This should be the block containing the next question.
Calls SVMi-8 shows the total number of calls this Block has processed during the period specified in the following
From - To Indicates the period from the date when the Report Counters were last cleared till the current date.
Applies to all call counts in this report.
Abandoned The number of callers who hung-up during the time they were connected to this Block, prior to com-
pleting the Block's function, and what percentage of the total calls this number represents.
No RESPonse The number of callers who did not record a response or make any entry while connected to this
Block, and what percentage of the total calls this number represents.
ESCAPE Count The number of callers who pressed the Escape digit while connected to this Block, and what per-
centage of the total calls this number represents.
Block Types and Descriptions
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