
KEY The search is based on input that has been stored in the KEY register that existed upon entry to the cur-
rent MENU Block. After all <TRANSLATION> operations have been performed and a match has been found, the
new search value is stored in KEY register for later use.
Store INPUT In Store the input to this menu in the CID, FwdID, TRUNK call session memory register for use as
input to subsequent MENU search This is used for basic system integration with the phone system. To change this
value, highlight this field an press ENTER to bring up a pick list of appropriate values. Highlight the desired value
and press ENTER. The LANG Register is used to store the language option selected by the caller
Digit Assignment
Administration Normally the "#" key is used as a prefix for signaling administrative functions. When it is the first
digit pressed, it does not count as one of the digits pressed, when compared to Maximum Caller Entry Digits. In
other words, if a caller enters #123, it will count as a total of 3 digits. Some applications may require restriction of
administrative capabilities on specific ports or MENUs. This can be accomplished by setting Administration digit
value to blank in the MENU Blocks where administration is not allowed. Allowable inputs are 0 - 9, '#', '', 'a', 'b',
'c', 'd'. Note:
Administration and Escape digits should never be set to the same value.
Escape The Escape digit (normally the '' key) causes an immediate exit from a request for digit entry. When the
Escape digit is pressed SVMi-8 will not wait for any subsequent digits to be pressed. The INPUT value will include
any digits entered before the Escape digit as well as the Escape digit itself. Note: Administration and Escape digits
should never be set to the same value.
Caller ENTRY Options
Prompts 1 through 6 These are the voice prompts that the SVMi-8 speaks when the Menu Block is entered. Menu
prompts 1- 6 are spoken in succession and are normally used to prompt the caller for an entry. Allowable inputs
include any four digit prompt number (1000 - 9999). A blank entry means "say nothing". To use a different, or cus-
tom prompt, highlight the field to be changed and enter the desired prompt number. To review or edit the prompt
text, press ‘Ctrl + O’ (O is for Open).
Invalid Condition Pmt The prompt spoken when no match is found during a MENU search. It normally advises the
caller that their entry is invalid, try again. Press ‘Ctrl + O’ (O is to Open), to review the prompt text, number, recorded
length and date recorded.
Request Password Pmt The prompt which asks the caller to enter a password (when appropriate). The prompt is
used when a caller has made an entry that requires a password for access to another Block or perform an adminis-
trative function.
Maximum Caller Entry Digits Indicates the maximum number of digits the caller may enter in response to the
Menu prompts. The allowable values are 1-10. This should be set to the length of the maximum valid entry in this
Menu. If set greater, the SVMi-8 will wait unnecessarily for additional digits to be entered. If the caller enters more
than the specified number of digits, the excess will be carried forward to the next Block.
Wait for First Entry Digit This is the time, in seconds (from 0 to 99), that SVMi-8 will wait for the caller to make an
entry. This timer begins after the last menu prompt has been spoken.
Wait for Subsequent Digits This is the time, in seconds (from 0 to 99), that SVMi-8 will wait for the caller to make
a subsequent entry. This timer begins after the first caller entry digit has been received and resets after each digit
pressed by the caller, up to the Max Caller Entry value.
Block Types and Descriptions