
Section 520 - TSAPI Chapter 5. Maintenance and Troubleshooting
DBS-92-520 Issued April 2000 43
k: Change MWI Activator
Specifies the activator extension of a CSTA set message waiting indicator
request. This is normally supplied through private data, however, most
applications are not written to support this option for Panasonic. This option
allows the command to be honored by the driver and passed to the DBS. If not
set, and private data not supplied, the command is rejected.
This value is normally disabled (-1).
l: Display Active Call List
Displays the real-time status of active calls within Panadrvr. This screen
interferes somewhat with Panadrvr’s real-time operation and should be used
only by support personnel.
Each row represents one assigned call block in Panadrvr. Each call block may
contain up to 4 extensions or trunks. The format of the display is discussed
MWI is set to -1New Value (<Enter> for no change)?
MCC/Panasonic Telephony Services Driver for the DBS
Time on line 000 days 01 hours 06 minutes 33 seconds
CallID Type Port State Type Port State Type Port State Type Port State
00001 Int 0000 CONN Int 0002 NONE --- 0255 NONE --- 0255 NONE
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