Section 520 - TSAPI Chapter 5. Maintenance and Troubleshooting
DBS-92-520 Issued April 2000 29
GetBuf Fails
Panadrvr’s internal buffer manager returned a failure code to a request.
WatchDog Timeouts
Once per minute, Panadrvr asks the DBS if it is OK. The DBS is given 30
seconds to respond to this question. If it does not, this counter is incremented.
Port Reconfigurations Received
The number of times a port extension information packet is received from the
DBS Resets Rx’d
This is the total count of DBS reset messages received from the DBS.
Carrier Detect Losses
This is the total count of DCD signal loss with the DBS, indicative of API
cable removal or DBS resets.
3: Display Status Counters
This selection displays general traffic information as shown in the example
below. The user may press ‘C’ to clear these counters. This is a real-time
Packets Sent
The total count of information packets sent to the DBS.
MCC/Panasonic Telephony Services Driver for the DBS
Time on line 000 days 00 hours 14 minutes 23 seconds
Packets: Sent-> 00000019 Received-> 00000023
Commands: Sent-> 00000019 Received-> 00000063
Bytes: Sent-> 00000266 Received-> 00001085
NetWork: Sent-> 00000001 Received-> 00000001
Press <Esc> to return to the Main Menu, 'C' to clear the counters...