Chapter 5. Maintenance and Troubleshooting Section 520 - TSAPI
22 Issued April 2000 DBS-92-520
TDILOGERROR(dname, ERROR, ALMLOC, alarmcnt++, "Unable to
allocate Tserver buffer, return code = %d\n", rc).
The Tserver has denied Panadrvr’s request for a memory buffer.
TDILOGERROR(dname, ERROR, ALMLOC, alarmcnt++, "Insufficient
resources for newcall().").
Panadrvr could not allocate more memory from the Novell OS for
additional call blocks.
TDILOGERROR(dname, ERROR, ALMLOC, alarmcnt++, "Send to
server error first try (%d).", rc).
Panadrvr could not send a packet out over the network. It will wait 2
seconds and try again.
TDILOGERROR(dname, ERROR, ALMLOC, alarmcnt++, "Send to
server error second try (%d).", rc).
Panadrvr tried and failed a second time to send a packet over the
network. The packet has been lost.
TDILOGERROR(dname, ERROR, ALMLOC, alarmcnt++, "Ports -- Out
of free ports.).
Panadrvr is out of a critical system resource.
The following error messages indicate a severe problem in the low level task
management system of Panadrvr. Panadrvr will attempt to recover from such
situations; however successive errors of this type indicate that Panadrvr is in
trouble. Should this occur, call Panasonic Technical Support.
TDILOGERROR(dname, ERROR, ALMLOC, alarmcnt++,
"Preceive(acsRxPort) fail.")
TDILOGERROR(dname, ERROR, ALMLOC, alarmcnt++,
"Preceive(cstaRxPort) fail.")
TDILOGERROR(dname, ERROR, ALMLOC, alarmcnt++,
"Preceive(cstaSendResponsePort) fail.")
TDILOGERROR(dname, ERROR, ALMLOC, alarmcnt++,
"Preceive(cstaToneEventHandlerPort) fail.")
TDILogErro(dname, ERROR, ALMLOC, alarmcnt++,
"Preceive(cstaEventHandlerPort) fail.")
TDILOGERROR(dname, ERROR, ALMLOC, alarmcnt++,
"Preceive(cstaConfEventHandlerPort) fail.")
TDILOGERROR(dname, ERROR, ALMLOC, alarmcnt++,
"Preceive(dbsRxThreadPort) fail.")
TDILOGERROR(dname, ERROR, ALMLOC, alarmcnt++,
"Preceive(netTxPort) fail.")
TDILOGERROR(dname, ERROR, ALMLOC, alarmcnt++,
"Preceive(appl_TX_Port) fail.")