
Section 520 - TSAPI Chapter 5. Maintenance and Troubleshooting
DBS-92-520 Issued April 2000 27
2: Display Error Counters
This selection brings up a real time (updated once per second) screen which
displays the values of various error counters in the Panadrvr. These counts are
reset by pressing ‘C’.
This screen is divided into 3 sections: errors originated by the DBS, errors
originating in Panadrvr, and miscellaneous information. Fields are described
as follows:
Section 1: DBS
Bad/No Resp to Select Req
This indicates that Panadrvr made an attempt to get the DBS’s attention and
the DBS did not respond appropriately.
Naks to Select Request
The DBS denied Panadrvr’s request for communication.
Aborted DBS select tries
Panadrvr will make up to 7 attempts to select the DBS, after which time it
aborts the attempt and increments this counter.
MCC/Panasonic Telephony Services Driver for the DBS
Time on line 000 days 01 hours 57 minutes 05 seconds
Bad/No Resp to Select Req 00000098 Naks to Select Request 00000190
Aborted DBS select tries 00000037 DBS rx data timeouts 00000000
Answer Requests to DBS 00000007 DBS packets Nakd by PC 00000000
Driver selected, DBS no send data timeouts 00000000
Packets Nakd by DBS 00000000 Answer reqs from DBS 00000000
PC packet sends aborted 00000038
Net: Rx Errors 00000000 Tx Errors 00000000 GetBuf Fails 00000000
WatchDog Timeouts 00000003 Port Reconfigurations Received 00001357
DBS Resets Rx'd 00000059 Carrier Detect Losses 00000004
Press <Esc> to return to the Main Menu, 'C' to clear the counters...