
Section 520 - TSAPI Chapter 3. Installation
DBS-92-520 Issued April 2000 11
Option: port=
Range: 1 to 8
Default: 1
Runtime modifiable: No
Purpose: Specifies which serial port on the server PC is connected to the
DBS for Telephony Services.
Option: baud=
Range: 9600 or 19200
Default: 9600
Runtime modifiable: No
Purpose: Specifies the DBS API baud rate. This must match the DBS
Option: security=
Range: 1 to 3
Default: 2 (Medium)
Runtime modifiable: No
Purpose: Specifies the CSTA stream control security level. The values 1,
2, and 3 translate to CSTA ranges High (all commands checked for
validity), Medium (login only checked for validity), and None (no checks
performed), respectively. Most client applications require level 2 or
Option: setmwi=
Range: 10-699
Default: -1 (disabled)
Runtime modifiable: Yes
Purpose: Specifies the activator extension of a CSTA set message waiting
indicator request. Normally supplied through private data, most
applications are not written to support this option for Panasonic -- this
allows the command to be honored by the driver and passed to the DBS.
If not set, and private data not supplied, the command is rejected.
Option: sendfail=
Range: 0 or 1
Default: 1 (Enabled)
Runtime modifiable: Yes
Purpose: Specifies whether the driver should send CSTA failed events to
the application when receiving busy tone from the DBS on a given
monitored extension