Chapter 5. Maintenance and Troubleshooting Section 520 - TSAPI
36 Issued April 2000 DBS-92-520
7: Display DBS Status/Info
This menu displays information about types of CSTA packets received from
the DBS. This is a real-time screen.
Confirmations Positive
Total positive replies received from the DBS for CSTA requests from
Confirmations Negative
Total negative replies received from the DBS for CSTA requests from
Confirmations Query
Total query replies received from the DBS for CSTA requests from Panadrvr.
Events Tone
Packets received from the DBS as CSTA Tone Events.
Events TSAPI
Packets received from the DBS as CSTA Events.
Events Unknown
Packets received from the DBS that were not recognized by Panadrvr.
DBS Status
Displays the status of the DBS as far as Panadrvr is concerned.
MCC/Panasonic Telephony Services Driver for the DBS
Time on line 000 days 01 hours 50 minutes 27 seconds
Confirmations: Positive 00000015 Negative 00000000 Query 00000000
Events: Tone 00000039 Tsapi 00000035 Unknown 00000000
DBS Status: Online
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