
Section 520 - TSAPI Chapter 5. Maintenance and Troubleshooting
DBS-92-520 Issued April 2000 39
d: Change Max Call Time Value
Specifies the maximum time in hours that Panadrvr considers a call to be
valid. Should this timer expire, the call is removed from Panadrvr and call
cleared events sent to all the applications monitoring the affected extensions.
Note, this has no effect on the actual DBS call.
The default is 12 hours.
e: Call Processing Toggles
This menu selection allows modification of certain CSTA event sequences. It
should not be used unless recommended by Panasonic technical personnel
1. Disable (Enable) CSTA ClearCall Commands
Normally, Panadrvr allows the CSTA ClearCall feature and indicates this
when responding to the CSTA GetApiCaps request. If this option is disabled,
Panadrvr will still allow the ClearCall feature, but will no longer indicate that
it is doing so.
2. Disable (Enable) Send Service Initiated Events due to Makecall Request.
This item disables (enables) Panadrvr’s issuance of a Service Initiated (i.e.,
dialtone) event if Panadrvr detects this is due to a CSTA MakeCall request.
3. Disable (Enable) Send Failed Events on Busy Tone
In the DBS, the last remaining extension on a previously active call listens to
busytone. Panadrvr interprets this event as a CSTA Failed Event and sends
this event to all involved client applications. Some applications display this as
‘Busy’ while others report it as ‘Failed’ or in some other fashion. This switch
determines whether or not Panadrvr issues this event to client applications.
4. Disable (Enable) Event Filtering
This disabled (enables) the drivers honoring of a stream’s filters associated
with a given device monitor.
1: Disable CSTA ClearCall Commands
2: Disable Send Service Initiated Events due to Makecall Request
3: Disable Send Failed Events on Busy Tone
4: Disable Event Filtering
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