
Introduction 1-7
HP Customer Care Phone Numbers
If you need assistance, call one of the following numbers:
For Warranty information, see Appendix B.
Australia + 61 3 8877 8000 Malaysia + 60 (0)3 295 2566
Mexico City 52 58 9922
Austria + 43 (0)7114 201080 Mexico 01 800 472 6684
Belgium (Dutch) + 32 (0)2 626 8806 Netherlands + 31 (0)20 606 8751
+ 32 (0)2 626 8807 New Zealand + 64 (0)9 356 6640
Canada 905 206 4663 Norway + 47 22 11 6299
China + 86 (0)10 6564 5959 Penang 1 300 88 00 28
Czech Republic + 42 (0)2 6130 7310 Philippines + 63 (0)2 867 3551
Denmark + 45 39 29 4099 Poland + 48 22 519 06 00
Finland + 358 (0)203 47 288 Portugal + 351 21 3176333
France + 33 (0)1 43 62 34 34
Germany + 49 (0)180 52 58 143 Singapore + 65 (0)272 5300
Hungary + 36 (0)1 382 1111 Sweden + 46 (0)8 619 2170
India + 91 (0)11 682 6035 Switzerland + 41 (0)848 80 11 11
Indonesia + 62 (0)21 350 3408 Taiwan + 886 (0)2 2717 0055
Ireland + 353 (0)1 662 5525 Thailand + 66 (0)2 661 4000
Israel + 972 (0)9 9524848 Turkey + 90 212 221 69 69
Italy + 39 02 264 10350 United Kingdom + 44 (0)207 512 52 02
Japan + 81 (0)3 3335 8333 USA 208 323 2551
Korea + 82 (0)2 3270 0700 Vietnam + 84 (0)8 823 4530
Latest numbers: http://www.hp.com/support/support_assistance
For all other countries/regions, contact your reseller.
0Book-asF01.book Page 7 Tuesday, August 14, 2001 2:06 PM
Hong Kong SAR 800 96 7729 Spain + 34 902 321 123