seven digits of the telephone number will be
If the memory location is blank the radio will sound a
low pitch tone after the is pressed.
4. Individual - Once the desired individual call number
is displayed, press and hold the PTT to initiate the
call. The radio performs the necessary signaling
required to obtain a working channel.
Interconnect - Once the desired interconnect special
call number is displayed, press and release the PTT
to initiate the call. The radio performs the necessary
signaling required to obtain a working channel.
5. Individual - When the signaling is successfully
completed the BUSY flag turns on, TX indicator
turns red and the Call originate tone sounds. Speak
directly into the microphone. Release the PTT bar
as soon as you stop talking and wait for a reply.
Interconnect - When the signaling is successfully
completed the BUSY flag turns on and the proper
DTMF tones will be sent and heard at the speaker.
When someone answers, press the PTT bar and
speak directly into the microphone. Release the
PTT bar as soon as you stop talking. Messages
cannot be received when the PTT bar is pressed.
If the signaling is unsuccessful, the radio will remain
in the Special Call mode and sound the appropriate
alert tone(s).